Thursday, January 14, 2010

Low Sugars

So, this past week has been full of low sugars in the afternoon. Usually during 7th period Chemistry, or by the end of Chemistry my sugar is low. Most days though I have no money on me to get a snack, so I have to get on the bus with a low sugar, which I HATE doing! I'd say what is doing it is all the exercise I'm doing in Gym class, which I'm not really use to. I've been running everyday, and doing push-ups and curl-ups in that class, and jumping rope. It sure has been a work out, but it's good for me. I'm so proud though because I don't stop, I just keep on going. But anyhow.. I lowered my afternoon basal rates, so we'll have to see how that does. I'll give an update after the weekend.

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