Sunday, January 17, 2010

The weekend

So it's sunday, and the weekend has been great! My sugar has been amazing, which makes me very happy! So remember the low sugars I had been having in the afternoons after gym class and such, well on Friday when I got home from school I checked my sugar and it was 90, which is good; a lot better than what it had been. About 30 mins. after that though I started feeling like crap because my sugar was dropping, so I checked it and it was 60, so I grabbed some tostitos and a glass of sunny d. I ate spaghetti for dinner, didn't correct, which I should have, but after eating dinner, I checked my sugar, and it was only 160! It surprised me because usually after eating anything pasta, and not giving insulin for it, my sugar sky rockets, but for some odd reason, this time it didn't. I guess you could say the strange world of diabetes, haha!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Low Sugars

So, this past week has been full of low sugars in the afternoon. Usually during 7th period Chemistry, or by the end of Chemistry my sugar is low. Most days though I have no money on me to get a snack, so I have to get on the bus with a low sugar, which I HATE doing! I'd say what is doing it is all the exercise I'm doing in Gym class, which I'm not really use to. I've been running everyday, and doing push-ups and curl-ups in that class, and jumping rope. It sure has been a work out, but it's good for me. I'm so proud though because I don't stop, I just keep on going. But anyhow.. I lowered my afternoon basal rates, so we'll have to see how that does. I'll give an update after the weekend.

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Omnipod

So, I have a friend in Ohio who is a diabetic that I haven't spoken to in almost 3 years, and here recently we've been chatting on myspace..anyhow, she tells me about this new insulin therapy she is on now and it's called the Omnipod. I've been doing my research, and it's turning out pretty good. I'm really interested in it, and I'm really considering switching to it. I have an Endo appointment in February, and I'll talk things over with him then and see what he thinks. I just hope my insurance will pay for it! If anyone is interested, here's the link to the website for more info So far from what I've read... there's no tubing, no needles, and not even a pump; it's now referred to as a PDM. I'm really hoping that I'll be able to switch over, because if so I may have better control over my diabetes :) Let me know what ya think!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


So yesterday was a fairly good day, all but for I ate fast food twice & then had an Oreo blizzard cake lastnight! So I went over my calorie budget by 347 calories! I did exercise yesterday for about 30 min. I think I burned somewhere around 94 calories, but still went over! I guess like my mom was saying the other day that it's a lot easier to consume calories then to burn them! She is completely right!